Trustworthy Generative Artificial Intelligence for Cyber

Ulap has partnered with the U.S. Cyber Command, U.S. Army Cyber, and U.S. Air Force to develop XAI enabled Cyber capabilities that provide users with trustworthy and transparent cyber insights.
Ulap’s XAI enabled solutions empower cyber practitioners the ability to quickly gain network awareness and interact with cyber resources using Generative AI.

XAI Solutions to Optimize Cyber Research and Decisions

Network Baseline

Ulap's XAI-enabled Deep Learning model continuously learns and establishes baselines for network behavior, allowing it to efficiently identify and surface network anomalies. This sophisticated model provides critical details through its explainable AI framework, empowering cybersecurity professionals to make quick and well-informed decisions in response to potential threats or unusual network activities.

Generative AI Insights

Ulap's Large Language and Generative AI model empowers cyber practitioners to interact with network anomalies and assets through a secure, explainable AI (XAI) enabled chat prompt. The Gen AI models allow users to swiftly identify anomalies and access specific network information without having to dig through complex tools, dashboards or reports

Cyber Bot Automation

Ulap's Cyber Bot is an advanced system designed to automatically interact with Cyber Models, efficiently surfacing network anomalies and other crucial network information such as new devices, users, geographical access points, and protocols, with the purpose of autonomously updating network settings and providing timely, actionable insights to cybersecurity practitioners.

We Are Committed to Your Long-Term Success

Ulap continuously partners with network and cyber practitioners to deploy, train, tune, and refine our XAI enabled models in order to ensure optimal deployment and performance.